1. Always trim your wicks to 1/4”
If you don’t trim your wicks, the wicks produce a much bigger flame than necessary which causes the wax to burn faster, avoid this by making sure they’re kept short. It’s always best to trim your wicks just before lighting them to decrease the chance of it spitting or popping when you light it too
2. Always burn your candle for at least 2 hours the first time you burn it
It’s important that the first time you burn your candle, you allow the wax to melt all the way to the edges before you extinguish it. Wax has a memory, so any wax that does not have a chance to melt on the first burn, will never burn in future. This is called ‘tunneling’. We do understand that ‘life happens’, so we will cover a couple of ways to fix it in a future blog post.
3. Don’t burn your candle for more than 4 hours
Burning a candle for too long can lead to a buildup of carbon on the wick, causing it to “mushroom” and become unstable. This can result in a dangerously large flame and the release of soot. To avoid this, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and limit candle burning to no longer than four hours. Avoid relighting it until it has properly cooled which takes a couple of hours.